064 मनस्थिति बदलो

064 मनस्थिति बदलो
दुख किसे कहा जाता है?
जब, जो, जिस परिस्थिति में होता है, तब, वह, उस परिस्थिति को स्वीकार न करे, बस इसी का नाम दुख है। तो सुख हो गया परिस्थिति को जैसी है वैसी ही स्वीकार कर लेना।
अब दो बात हो गई, परिस्थिति और मनःस्थिति। परिस्थिति प्रारब्ध का फल होने से वश से बाहर है, केवल मनःस्थिति ही पुरूषार्थ के अधीन है।
जो बाहर कुछ बदलना चाहता है, जो अस्वीकार में पड़ा, वह दुख में पड़ता है। जो बाहर के अनुसार भीतर से बदल गया, जिसने सर्व स्वीकार कर लिया, उसे कैसा दुख? जो दशा बदलने में लगा, वह फंसा, जिसने मन की दिशा ही बदल ली, वह मुक्त हुआ। जो सृष्टि पलटने दौड़ा, वह मरा, जो बैठकर दृष्टि पलट गया, वह तरा। वह तो सदा सदा के लिए मृत्यु पर विजय पा गया।
कौन मूर्ख है जो यह जानकर भी बाहर ही माथा पटकता फिरे? विवेकवान जानता है कि पूरी पृथ्वी पर बिछे काँटों का उपाय पृथ्वी को चमड़े से मढ़ना नहीं, जूते पहनना मात्र है।
इसीलिए लोकेशानन्द कहता है कि परिस्थिति नहीं, मनःस्थिति बदलो। दशा नहीं दिशा बदलो। सृष्टि नहीं, दृष्टि बदलो।
दृष्टि बदल जाए तो सृष्टि अपनेआप बदल जाती है।
अब विडियो देखें- असली उपाय

What is grief?
Your not accepting your situation is known as grief. So happiness means accepting the situation as it is.
Now two things have happened, situation and mentality. The situation is out of control due to destiny, only the state of mind is subject to effort.
One who wants to change something outside, who is in denial, is in grief. Who changed the mind according to the situation, who accepted everything, why would he be sad? The one who was trying to change the situation was trapped, who changed the direction of the mind, he was freed. The one who ran to change the world, died. The one who sat back and turned his vision, got freedom. He conquered death forever.
Who is a fool who even after knowing this, slaps his forehead? The prudent knows that the solution of thorns spread all over the earth is not to cover the earth with leather, but to wear shoes only.
That is why Lokshanand says that change the mentality, not the situation. Change the direction, not the condition. Change the vision, not the world.
If the vision changes then the creation changes automatically.
Now watch the video- The Real Solution

Published by Lokeshanand Paramhans

Lokeshanand Ji is a seasoned Spiritual Guide, based in Northern India. He has been practicing and studying spirituality from last 18 years. He is a Mystic Master, Meditation instructor, Vastu Expert, Writer, Life Coach and an intuitive Tarot Card Reader. He has helped about a million people with his guidance, to improve their lives and find their direction. He is a well composed, simple and easily approachable person. He is always keen to extend his support to someone who approached him with his problems. Lokeshanand ji has traveled across length and breadth of the country for the Vastu Consultation. Being a spiritual person, he designs architecture of a house, building or commercial complex understanding the diversity and complexity of the client. His intention is to create an aura of positive energy which empowers you with clear and gentle guidance, for you and your family's prosperity, happiness and connection with the Divine.

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