061 एक इष्ट

061 एक इष्ट
जब भी कोई पूछे- आपके भगवान का नाम क्या है? आप एक नाम तुरंत ले दो, तब तो आप धन्य हैं। यदि आप निर्णय न ले पाए तब आपको बहुत विचार करना चाहिए।
ध्यान दें, सूर्य की कितनी ही प्रचंड किरणें क्यों न हों, सूखी घास तक को नहीं जला पातीं। जबकि कोई उत्तल लेंस, उन किरणों को समेट कर, घास पर केंद्रित कर दे, और घास गीली भी हो, तो भी आग पकड़ जाती है। योंही आपकी श्रद्धा जब तक किसी एक में न टिके, तब तक आपकी कर्म रूपी घास जले कैसे?
मेरे भाई बहन! साधन तो प्रारंभ ही तब होगा जब आपको मालूम हो कि आप हो किस के?
देखो बुद्धि दो प्रकार की होती है, पतिव्रता और व्याभिचारिणी। जो एक की नहीं हुई, कभी किसी की, कभी किसी की हो जाती है, वह तो वेश्याबुद्धि है।
मीरा जी कहती हैं “मेरो तो गिरिधर गोपाल दूसरो न कोई”
इस “दूसरो ना कोई” को समझो।
मनुष्य की कौन कहे? पशु भी दो प्रकार का है, जो किसी का है वही पालतू है, जो 36 दरवाजे माथा पटकता है वह तो फालतू है।
परमात्मा एक है यह निर्विवाद सत्य है, वह कभी एक से सवा नहीं हुआ, दो की कौन कहे? वही एक संपूर्ण सृष्टि के कण कण में व्याप्त है, दूसरे परमात्मा के होने के लिए दूसरी सृष्टि चाहिए, वर्ना वह रहेगा कहाँ? उस एक अखंड अद्वै अनाम अरूप परमात्मा को, एक नामरूप देकर अपना बना लेना, उसी का बार-बार चिंतन कर, अमूर्त को मूर्त कर प्रकट कर लेना, यही तो साधन है।
लोकेशानन्द कहता है कि अभी निर्णय लो कि मृत्यु की रात, गले में बलगम फंसने पर, मैं किस एक का नाम लूंगा?
अब विडियो देखें- आपके भगवान का नाम क्या है?

Whenever someone asks- What is the name of your Bhagwan? If you take a name immediately, then you are blessed. If you are unable to take a decision then you should consider a lot.
Note that no matter how strong the sun’s rays are, even the dry grass does not burn. Whereas a convex lens, incorporating those rays, concentrates on the grass, and even if the grass is wet, it still catches fire. As long as your reverance does not stick in one, how can your deeds burn the grass?
My siblings! The means will start only when you know whom do you belong.
See, there are two types of wisdom, husbandry and adultery. One who does not belong to one, sometimes someone, and sometimes belongs to another, is adultery.
Meera ji says “Mero to Giridhar Gopal, Doosro na koi.”
I belong to Giridhar Gopal, no one else. Understand this “No one else.”
Who says about the man? Animals are also of two types, that belong to someone is pet, the one who bangs the forehead at 36 doors is stray.
Bhagwan is one, this is the undisputed truth, he has never been more than one, who can say two? He is spread in every particle of the entire creation, for the second Bhagwan to exist, another creation is needed, otherwise where will he stay? By giving a name to that one monolithic anonymous Bhagwan, making him your own, thinking about him over and over again, making him manifest, is the only means.
Lokeshanand says that now decide that on the night of death, when mucus will get stuck in your throat, which one will you name?
Now watch the video- What is the name of your Bhagwan?

Published by Lokeshanand Paramhans

Lokeshanand Ji is a seasoned Spiritual Guide, based in Northern India. He has been practicing and studying spirituality from last 18 years. He is a Mystic Master, Meditation instructor, Vastu Expert, Writer, Life Coach and an intuitive Tarot Card Reader. He has helped about a million people with his guidance, to improve their lives and find their direction. He is a well composed, simple and easily approachable person. He is always keen to extend his support to someone who approached him with his problems. Lokeshanand ji has traveled across length and breadth of the country for the Vastu Consultation. Being a spiritual person, he designs architecture of a house, building or commercial complex understanding the diversity and complexity of the client. His intention is to create an aura of positive energy which empowers you with clear and gentle guidance, for you and your family's prosperity, happiness and connection with the Divine.

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