103 अव्यक्त की व्यक्ति

103 अव्यक्त की अभिव्यक्ति
कल चर्चा थी कि जब तक अन्तःकरण में स्थित वह अव्यक्त परमात्मा व्यक्त न हो जाए, दुख का समाधान नहीं होता। तो उसे व्यक्त कैसे करें?
पहले यह समझ लें कि गुण और स्वभाव द्वारा प्रकृति के अंतराल में हो रही क्रिया का, माने बिना किए कर्म का, कर्तृत्वाभिमान करने पर, अनजाने ही, जीव कर्मफल का भोक्ता हो गया है।
यदि कर्तृत्वाभिमान मिट जाए, तो भोग समाप्त।
कर्मों और उनके फल का समर्पण हो जाए, तो भोग का सुख दुख समाप्त।
अपने स्वरूप का ज्ञान हो जाए तो प्रपंच ही समाप्त।
पर यहाँ चौथी विधि है, वह अव्यक्त ही, अपने में, अपने से ही कल्पित, संसार के नाना प्रकार के नाम रूपों में अध्यास करके, अपने आपको बंधनग्रस्त मान रहा है। अब उसी अव्यक्त को, एक नाम, एक रूप देना है। खूब नाम जप और रूप का चिंतन करना है। जैसे संसार की कल्पना घनीभूत होकर संसार रूप में व्यक्त हो रही है, ऐसे ही वह अव्यक्त, एक नामरूप के चिंतन से, कालान्तर में घनीभूत होकर, व्यक्त होने लगता है।
वह अव्यक्त अनाम अरूप, जो अभी तक अनन्त नामरूप धारण कर संसार रूप में भास रहा है, वही एक नामरूप धारण कर, अन्तःकरण में व्यक्त होने लगता है। बस फिर वह कर्म फल की सूली का शूल करेगा, जहर को अमृत करेगा, साँप को फूलमाला बना देगा, अग्नि को शीतल करेगा, पतित को पावन करेगा, अपनी करूणा से आगे नया पाप कर्म होने नहीं देगा और देह छूटने पर अपने में मिला लेगा।
लोकेशानन्द का आश्वसन है, यही मनुष्य जीवन की समस्त समस्याओं का एकमात्र समाधान है।

Yesterday there was a discussion that until that latent Bhagwan is expressed, grief is not resolved. So how to express that?
Let us first understand that inadvertently you are believing yourself that you are the doer of the actions taking place naturally by virtues in the interval of nature. That is why you are suffering.
If the doership is erased, then you will not have to suffer the consequences of those actions.
If deeds and their results are surrendered, then suffering ends.
If the Enlightenment is attained, then all the trouble is over.
But here is the fourth way. That latent Bhagwan itself is believing himself to be bound in various names and forms of the world, imagined by himself, in himself. Now the same latent has to be given a name and a form. You have to do a lot of chanting and contemplation of that form. Just as because of the condensed imagination of the world, world is visible. In the same way, by chanting, over a period of time, when the contemplation of that name and form is condensed, that latent Bhagwan begins to express himself.
That latent nameless formless Bhagwan, who is still living in the form of the world, holding that one name and form, seems to be expressed in the intellect.
Just then he will convert the gallows into a thorn, poison into nectar, snake into a flower garland, impure into a holy, with his compassion will not allow new sins and when you leave your body, he will merge you within him.
Lokeshanand assures that this is the only solution to all the problems of human life.

Published by Lokeshanand Paramhans

Lokeshanand Ji is a seasoned Spiritual Guide, based in Northern India. He has been practicing and studying spirituality from last 18 years. He is a Mystic Master, Meditation instructor, Vastu Expert, Writer, Life Coach and an intuitive Tarot Card Reader. He has helped about a million people with his guidance, to improve their lives and find their direction. He is a well composed, simple and easily approachable person. He is always keen to extend his support to someone who approached him with his problems. Lokeshanand ji has traveled across length and breadth of the country for the Vastu Consultation. Being a spiritual person, he designs architecture of a house, building or commercial complex understanding the diversity and complexity of the client. His intention is to create an aura of positive energy which empowers you with clear and gentle guidance, for you and your family's prosperity, happiness and connection with the Divine.

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