096 नाम जप सरल है

096 नामजप सरल है
दूसरा सूत्र- सरल की माँग।
गजब बात है। जो तुम नहीं हो, वो हो जाना इतना कठिन था कि पूछो मत। यह तो तुमने इतनी आसानी से कर लिया कि तुम्हें मालूम भी नहीं पड़ा। अब जो तुम हो ही, वही दोबारा हो जाने में कठिनाई आ रही है?
तुम न देह थे, न हो, न होने की संभावना है, माने असंभव। पर असंभव तो तुमने चुटकी बजाते ही कर लिया, तुम देह ही हो गए। तो जब तुम असंभव को ही संभव कर सकते हो, तब जो संभव है वो नहीं कर सकते?
तुम चढ़ तो गए, उतरने में घबरा गए, अब कहते हो कि सरल मार्ग बता दो। रहस्य यह है कि सरल की माँग, भयग्रस्त मन से निकली है, इसीलिए सरल की माँग, सरल को भी मुश्किल बना देती है। भय न हो तो कुछ भी कठिन नहीं, सब मार्ग सरल हैं। वृत्ति भेद से किसी को कोई, तो किसी को कोई मार्ग कठिन या सरल लगता है, पर हैं सब सरल ही।
दूसरे मेरा सरल, आपका भी सरल हो, यह जरूरी नहीं।
फिर भी मुझे जहाँ से मिला उस मार्ग का नाम है “समर्पण और नाम जप”।
पहले नाम जप- एक नाम पकड़ा, जपा, पर छूट गया, फिर याद आया कि ओह छूट गया, फिर से पकड़ लिया। इसमें क्या मुश्किल है? छूट गया, छूटने का दुख मनाया, याद आया तो उस याद आने का धन्यवाद किया। योंही नामजप से भीतर चल रहे नाम के द्रष्टा हुए, तब आत्मविचार। बस इतना ही है।
समर्पण- समर्पित तुम अब भी हो। संसार को, संसारियों को। इसकी ये माँग, तो उसकी वो माँग। इसे मनाया, वो रूठा, उसे मनाया तो ये रूठ गया।
अब संसार के दो दो कौड़ी में बदल जाने वाले निष्ठुर देहाभिमानियों की दासता से, उन करूणामय अपरिवर्तनशील तत्व गुरूदेव भगवान की दासता सरल ही है। दास को क्या घबराहट है? सैंकड़ों का हुक्म बजाने से, एक का हुक्म बजाना बहुत ही सरल है। बस उस एक का हुक्म बजाना है, उस एक की इच्छा में रहना है।
लोकेशानन्द का अनुभव कहता है, सरल है, सरल है, बिल्कुल सरल है।

The second formula- The demand of Easy way.
It is a wonderful thing. Becoming something what you are not, was so difficult that don’t ask. You did it so easily that you didn’t even know. Now you are having difficulty in getting back to what you are?
You were never a body, neither are you, nor is there any possibility, it is impossible. But you easily made it possible, you became the body. So when you can make the impossible possible, then you cannot do what is possible?
You climbed easily, now are afraid to get down, and ask for an easy way. The secret is that the demand for an easy way has come out of the fearful mind, and this demand makes an easy way difficult. If there is no fear, nothing is difficult, all the paths are simple. With the difference of instinct, some find a way difficult or easy, but all the ways are easy.
Secondly, it is not necessary that which is easy for me, is easy for you too.
Then the name of the path from where I got it is “Surrender and Chanting”.
1- Chanting- Caught a name, chanted a bit and missed it, then remembered, Oh! I missed it, and caught it again. What is the difficulty in this?
If you forget to chant, you felt the pain of forgetting. When remembered again, thanked Bhagwan for that recollection. Thus by chanting, you became seer, and then introspected. That’s all.
Surrender- You still surrender, but to the world. Here one has this demand, and the other has that demand. Conciliated one, the other got angry. Conciliated other, that first one got angry.
Now surrendering to that compassionat Bhagwan is easy, who never changes, than the slavery of the merciless arrogant worldly people who change for two pennies. What is your responsibility then? By obeying hundreds of people, it is much easier to obey one. Just obey that one, live in the will of that one.
The experience of Lokeshanand says, it is easy, absolutely easy.

Published by Lokeshanand Paramhans

Lokeshanand Ji is a seasoned Spiritual Guide, based in Northern India. He has been practicing and studying spirituality from last 18 years. He is a Mystic Master, Meditation instructor, Vastu Expert, Writer, Life Coach and an intuitive Tarot Card Reader. He has helped about a million people with his guidance, to improve their lives and find their direction. He is a well composed, simple and easily approachable person. He is always keen to extend his support to someone who approached him with his problems. Lokeshanand ji has traveled across length and breadth of the country for the Vastu Consultation. Being a spiritual person, he designs architecture of a house, building or commercial complex understanding the diversity and complexity of the client. His intention is to create an aura of positive energy which empowers you with clear and gentle guidance, for you and your family's prosperity, happiness and connection with the Divine.

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